Integrated Communications


Public Relation

Integrated Communications

Crafting a Holistic Approach to Achieve Spectacular Business Goals

In the words of an American entrepreneur, writer, and speaker, Lisa Gansky, “A brand is a voice, and a product is a souvenir.” Communication is all about elevating this voice with seamless integration of all promotional tools, communications, and messages that help build a positive relationship with consumers. It’s like all the radio waves and sound waves working in harmony at optimum wavelength, amplitude, frequency, and velocity to create soothing echoes. At Global Education, we strive to achieve a similar harmony for our clients.


Going by definition, Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) is all about identifying, aligning, and integrating the vast array of tools, social media channels, media coverage, and communication of all aspects encompassing a brand marketing strategy.

For a better understanding, let’s learn about the benefits of integrated marketing and its role in the technology-driven business ecosystem.

  • Helps boost sales and profits while delivering a competitive advantage.
  • Imparts a clear understanding of the needs and aspirations of customers.
  • Strengthens customer relationships while cementing a bond of trust and loyalty.
  • Smoothens the consumer buying process with more clarity and awareness.
  • Works to help businesses fit into the customer-centric market.
  • Promotes strategic business planning towards a unified goal.
Where Do We Stand with IMC

At Global Education Limited, we craft a holistic and thoughtful IMC approach to help brands have a deeper look into their core while building a strong emotional connection with networking brands and the core consumers. We do an in-depth evaluation of how the brand is viewed in the market and then develop a successful relationship with the target market. Equipped with a highly experienced and proficient team of marketing professionals, we put forth our services across all social media channels, digital marketing strategies, and offline business communication. We aim to build brand credibility and market trust in all our endeavors.


how the brand is viewed in the market


In-depth evaluation and preparation of how the brand is viewed in the market and developing a successful relationship with the target market to create market trust for the brand or an organization. We ensure our customer builds a reputation there and survives on the target market.


Services Offered

We provide services and support:

  • Logo Design
  • Packaging Design
  • Establishing Brand Positioning and Messaging
  • Social Media Branding
  • Website Design
  • Creating a Branding Strategy.
  • Copy writing for websites and for other digital media that represents the voice of the brand accurately
  • Pitch Decks
  • Exhibitions
  • Events for Branding and Promotions
  • Digital Marketing
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